DBR has delivered the last units of a substantial order totalling 42 marine generator sets for Damen Shipyards Gorinchem. The generator sets will be installed on 14 ASD tugs that Damen is building at its Galaţi yard in Romania for a project in the Middle East.
“We are very pleased to have completed delivery for Damen. Our engineers are currently executing commissioning and start-up works in Romania,” says DBR Managing Director Herwin Roodenburg. “This final part of the contract is running on schedule and is due for completion at the end of this year.”
DBR performed the design and engineering work for the whole contract. “The generator sets are executed with double bearing generators and are started by compressed air,” explains Mr Roodenburg. “The design characteristics will allow the tugs to operate effectively in harsh environmental conditions where ambient working temperatures can reach 65°C.”
For five of the tugs, Damen ASD 2810s, DBR delivered 15 diesel engine driven generator packages, each with a 170kVA capacity. These generator sets are equipped with C9 Caterpillar engines and Leroy Somer LSAM46.2M5 generators. The remaining nine tugs – all of Damen ASD 3212 design – are equipped with 27 diesel engine driven generator packages, each with a more powerful 199kVA capacity. Also with C9 Caterpillar engines, these units will work with Leroy Somer LSAM46.2L6 generators.
“DBR has a long relationship with Damen Shipyards as preferred supplier of custom build generator sets and pump sets according to Damen specifications,” says Mr Roodenburg. Fully approved by Lloyd’s Register, the generator sets have Marine Classified local control panels, including serial interface for easy integration into the ship’s control system. The control panels will allow users to access event driven history records, easy backtracking and problem solving features.
For further information and high resolution images, please contact:
Henri Hafkamp
Sales Manager
DBR Generatorsets
T +31 184 613200
M +31 630 600841
E henri@dbr-bv.nl
I www.dbr-bv.nl
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