In Copenhagen on February 6th 2020, Digital Ship is running it’s 5th Maritime Digital Transformation Forum (previously called ‘iShipping’), where you can hear speakers from Maersk Tankers, Maersk Supply Service, DFDS and more, talking about successful digitalisation projects and what they learned from them.
Mikkel Hansen, CEO of Maritime Development Center will offer an introduction and overview of the most important recent happenings in maritime digitalisation, where are we? And where must we make improvements?
Steen Lykke Pedersen of Maersk Supply Service will speak about the way digital technology and data has helped to improve the efficiency of dry docking and provide reliable predictive maintenance.
Mads Bentzen Billeso, Senior Project Manager of Partnerships, Innovation and Technology at DFDS will discuss the various emerging technology projects the company has undertaken, where they have found success and how they expect these projects to progress, from the introduction of AI to the use of drones to study vessels.
Peter Schroder, Chief Data Officer of Maersk Tankers will introduce our session on advanced technology and startups, featuring a panel discussion which will address where AI and analytics might offer the most value in the shipping industry.
Matthew Maheras, CIO at Metrostar Management will discuss the areas where AI can help in the maritime sector, and how it’s purpose and value will continue to develop.
Jukkas Merenluoto, Ecosystem Lead at ONE SEA, will give an update on autonomous ship technology and an assessment on where it can provide value now and some foresight into the technology’s true potential. How will early adopters’ benefit?
Confirmed Speakers include:
- Henrik Hyldahn, CEO, Ship Serv
- Peter Andersen, CEO, GTTAnalytics
- Mikkel Hansen, CEO, Maritime Development Center
- Peter Schrøder, Chief Data Officer, Maersk Tankers
- Henning M Madsen, Head of Vessel IT, Maersk Tankers
- Steen Lykke Pedersen, Head of Dry Docking and Maintenance Strategies, Maersk Supply Service
- Mads Bentzen Billeso, Senior Project Manager, Partnerships, Innovation and Technology, DFDS
- Matthew Maheras, CIO, Metrostar Management
- Jukka Merenluoto, Ecosystem lead, ONE Sea
- Ajay Arora, Vice President, Fleet, Evergas
- Tarang Valecha, Co-founder and CEO, Nautix Technologies
- Erik Lund, Managing Partner, LundConnect
- Christopher Rex, Head of Innovation and Research, Danish Ship Finance
- Daniel Kampman, CEO & Partner, Alpina Chartering
- Rasmus Elsborg-Jensen, CEO & Founder, ReFlow Maritime
- Yarden Gross, CEO, Orca AI
No admission charge for ship owners, operators, managers and builders.
VENUE: Tivoli Gardens Axelborg Building, Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København V, Denmark
To register:
More about Digital Ship
For 20 years, Digital Ship magazine has provided the digital community of the world’s maritime industry with the latest news and developments, including satellite communications, software, navigation, vessel efficiency, cyber security, big data and analytics, to help keep shipping operating with maximum safety, efficiency and crew comfort.
Lyndell Cooks, Marketing Manager Digital Ship I email: |
The post Maritime Digital Transformation Forum in Copenhagen 6th Feb 2020 appeared first on Cleaner Seas.